Thursday, September 9, 2010

...a very brave little puppy...

...he is very strong...he has survived for a week...he is paralyze. he can't move and he can't breast feed from his mom. my brother and sister made milk for him everyday so that it can live. i feel pity for this puppy. even the mom does not care about him. my brother bought a baby bottle to feed him milk with.

it is very surprising that he still lives. i hope that one day he can walk...and be  normal like other dogs. that's what i'm wishin for one day. i hope he stay for a long time...i'd b sad if he give up now. :(


Unknown said...

sian puppy tu=(..u bter brings that puppy to c a doctor

FreeUgenia said...

iyer...nanti i pggilkan doktor k? :)

NoNiEy NaDaL said...

cantek blog ko???
aku inferior ni!
nak kna carik lagi cantek!

FreeUgenia said...

of coz la....! cari la kalo dpt... :p

freeugenia said...

hello love,
its me again.
its good to know that you are doin good.
hope the puppy is okay.
see you soon.

FreeUgenia said...

see me soon? who r u? the pup died two weeks oready...